Resolved to improve the academic performance of the public school, the management of Peki Tsame…

A Special Nhia Registration Exercise At Peki.
The South Dayi District office of the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) carried out a special registration exercise to honor the invitation received from Miss Gbidukorza 2018, Miss Florence Makafui Allavi, winner of the 2018 edition for the people of Peki and Hohoe traditional areas, to register 500 members, both new and renewals, unto the NHIS at Peki Blengo 1911 Park.
The District office of the NHIS decided to offer 500 more people to be registered as indigent as part of its target for the year and also as a support to the festival. It was agreed that these 500 people should be made up of those who still had the old magnetic cards, those with biometric cards but unable to renew for the past two years or more due to financial reasons, and those who had never registered with the NHIS for financial reasons. Honorable Assembly members, chiefs and other opinion leaders were available to help identify and enroll such people.
A nine member staff carried out the exercise and was led by the District Manager, Mr. Mawuko Tsigbey.
The District Manager said the NHIS was a social basket into which everybody contributes according to their ability, thus making it possible for the rich to support the poor and economically vulnerable, the healthy to support the sick, for adults to support children.
He spoke about the Mobile Renewal Service, its procedure and its benefits to members, the default policy and the need to renew on time, the free registration for pregnant women, how to access healthcare with the NHIS card, the need to and how to take good care of the NHIS card and the NHIS Call Center. The NHIS in respect of Membership, had a total of 436 clients, made up of 144 new clients and 292 renewals. 264 of the renewals were done using the Mobile Renewal Service.
The NHIS despite the great success had some challenges after the special exercise conveying new staff who are yet to get accommodation in Kpeve to their places of residence at Kpando and Ho around 12.00 midnight because the District Office has no official vehicle since 2015.
The NHIS team said it is clear that there are a lot more people out there without NHIS cards or still holding on to the old magnetic cards. The NHIS officers said they will intensify their publicity, fieldwork and also use all possible means to bring such people onto the scheme.
The NHIS officers said since their target was 1,000 people and were only able to enroll 436 people, agreed with the organizers that, they will consider a day convenient to both teams to enroll the remaining people.
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