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Department of Health

The Health Department is made up of 3 Units;

Ghana Health Service

Ms. Patience Nunoo
District Director of Health

The Health Directorate is the department responsible for the delivering of health care services in the District. The goal of the department is to ensure affordable, equitable, easily accessible and Universal Health Coverage in the District.

Environmental Health Unit

Mr. Moses C. K. Awudey
Chief Environmental Health Officer

The Environmental Health Unit is responsible for providing strategic and administrative leadership for the management of policies and programmes relating to Environmental Sanitation. As part of the Unit’s responsibility, it provides advice for the formulation and review of policies and programmes on Environmental Sanitation, Develop technical standards and specification for Environmental Sanitation service delivery.

The Unit manages the day-to-day administration and controls all activities for the smooth functioning of the division. In order to ensure effective and efficient management of sanitation within the District, the unit coordinates the application of engineering techniques and concepts in the solution of Waste Management problems. Environmental Health also liaises with agencies in addressing complex Environmental Sanitation problems requiring inter-sectoral collaboration as well as lead the quality assurance process for Environmental Sanitation.

In the execution of its mandate, the unit initiates and coordinate research and lead the dissemination of results in the Environmental Sanitation field. It also vets building plans and specifications of various types of licensed establishments, for compliance with Environmental Sanitation rules and regulations.

Contemporary environmental health services by promoting and protecting public health and safety through collaboration innovation and strategic standard enforcement Providing Environmental Health and Sanitation profile for policy formulation process

  • Survey
  • Geographical boundary
  • Population
  • Identify socio-economic/cultural activities
  • Identify stakeholders/opinion leaders
  • Identify sanitary sites and other facilities e.g. schools, hospitals, churches, etc.
  • Identify hard core sanitary problems existing within the community.
  • Document profile into DESSAP (District Environmental Sanitation Strategy and Action Plan)

Births And Deaths Registry

Ms. Mary Geraldo Delima
Assistant Registrar

The Births and deaths registry was established under Act 301 of 1965, within the Ministry Local Government and Rural Development, to handle and develop the births and deaths registration system in the country.

Its core mandate is to provide accurate and reliable information on births and deaths occurring within the country for socio-economic development through registration and certification.

Operation of birth and deaths registry are coordinated from the central registry office which is located in Accra the head office but have administrative regional offices in all regions.

The registration regions have been divided into districts that are manned by Assistant registrar and registration officers. Volta region has its regional office at Ho the regional capital. The south Dayi district registry is located at Peki– Tsame community center.



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